ILLUSIVE MEASURES                        

From moments of monotony to the rare discoveries of spaces, objects, and people, these are stills of life as I move through it. Scenes solidify in my mind as I stumble upon them; but they are only realized through the lens. The eye’s impression of a moment in time is as ephemeral and fleeting as time itself. Color, shadow, texture, and light only emerge in the reexamination of the photo. This has little to do with the truth of existence and more with the mind’s fantastical absurdities of perception.

            Travels ︎ Naoshima Island, Japan.

            Travels ︎ Tokyo, Japan.

           Second Home ︎ San Francisco, California.


With training in architecture, my eye for framing space has evolved through both design and photography. The built environment is full of tales. Of life, play, commerce, transit, and all that humankind produces. What I capture is not meant to be immaculate and free of imperfections; its meant to depict tangibility in the physical realm in a state of authenticity.

            Friedman House. Built 1953 ︎ Silverlake, Los Angeles.

            Ain & Garrott Office. Built 1948 ︎ Silverlake, Los Angeles.

            Ben Margolis House. Built 1951 ︎ Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles.